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Create My Website - First Major Steps on Starting Your Own Website and Helping it Run Smoothly by Terry Bass
in Webmasters (submitted 2009-11-20)
Creating your own website, can be something that you have only ever thought about, but it seems that as far as you honestly believe, this is the nearest you will ever get to make money working online, because the knowledge needed seems to take you back to the time, when you first learnt how to start up a computer.
Well I would like to share six points with you that will help explain how creating your website, can be something that you CAN honestly begin doing once you understand these basic areas.
1), One of the 1st things you will need is a domain name, which you will need to purchase and it represents what you will call your website.
You will have to pay a yearly fee for your domain name, which will cost you about $10.
Please bear in mind that your domain name is NOT your website as I first thought when I started, it is only the name within the title of your site.
2) You will also require web hosting. When we send information from our computers to the internet, it passes through a hosting company, which has massive servers.
These are needed to be able to send your pictures, letters and everything else that you are going to put on the web.
Every website has a hosting company and this will cost you about $10 a month.
3) An autoresponder completes the 3 major parts that are required in creating your own website.
This fascinating subject is, what allows you to be away from your business at any time, yet you will make money being online whilst your ever growing list of customers... continue to receive your pre-written follow up messages, free gifts, information on future dates, seminars and anything that you programmed it to do. Even whilst you are sleeping, this will allow your business to run on autopilot.
4) House keeping is a subject that when you make money working online, you need to free up as much of your valuable time as you possibly can, so you can be more counter productive.
It will result in keeping track of everything you need to build your site and you will be able to locate what ever you need within seconds, rather than searching through all your folders and wasting valuable time.
What I suggest you do is create a new folder on your desktop and name it the website you are working on.
If you call your website "build my website" for example, then that is what you should call your folder.
Put everything that belongs to it like photos, pages, banners and images all inside it, so that when you need one of the items, you just go to your desktop, open up the folder and take out what you need.
5) Do you find that when you try to send or download a picture it takes a long time to go, well that's because it was saved as a LARGE file size.
Let me explain... when you have a picture that is visually to big on your screen, if you click inside it then drag one of the corners inwards, it shrinks but the actual image size in kilobytes stays the same, so it still takes the same amount of time to send.
You need to click inside the photo then click the tool drop down menu on your editing software and then click resize.
Adjust the width or height and tick the scale proportionally box.
Once the size shows below 100 kilobytes, you can save it in the folder on your desktop, that we referred to in the last section.
6) Now to get your website up onto the internet, you will need to download a FREE program called an FTP. This stands for file transfer protocol.
Basically this shows two screens, one is your computer and the other is your hosting company.
Once you have this open you drag the files from your side, over to the host side and this in turn puts your files up onto the internet.
Click Here For More Details if you would like a more comprehensive detailed explanation on any of these subjects, as well as the complete guide to creating your own website. Or Visit
Regards and best wishes Terry Bass About the Author I am 48, and live in the Uk. I am married with 2 adult children and two grandchildren. I have been in IM since June 2008 and I am now building my business full time. My hobbies include camping and playing the acoustic guitar.
Online marketers are somehow the best at what they are doing nowadays knowing the skyrocketing status of online marketing. While online marketers have one common goal, they have different attacks and or approaches towards online marketing.
Here we have listed some common traits of successful online marketers to help develop that online marketer spirit in you:
1. Set up priority
They know how to prioritize tasks, from the most important down to the least. They always make sure to start the day by completing the tasks that are complex which needs more attention and time. The best way to make sure you prioritize things accordingly, you may put it on sticky notes or write them on your schedule planner.
2. Give task to the people that do best Online marketing is definitely not a one-man show. It takes a team of hardworking and expert people to create the best online marketing strategy.
Online marketers are handling such team, they know how to delegate the task to the people that can do best. This helps them get a better result by keeping things organized and effective. They know their team so well that they work efficiently together. With this strategy, the team will be more productive.
Everyone can have inflated the ego, especially during your success. But online marketers tend to keep it cool and humble. They keep on evaluating their performance and reflecting from it. They take the time to know the mistakes they have done and how to improve them for the better. This is simply because the changes in online marketing trends are drastic and there is just no time for complacency.
4. Treat customers’ right The success of the online marketers is 99% because of their customers. Therefore, they always make sure that they are giving the customers what are due to them and giving them good services and satisfaction.
5.They don't stop learning Online marketers cannot just put enough stress about the importance of refreshing your knowledge and skills about everything in this world of online marketing. Again, online marketing trends change so fast. They always make sure that they follow the trends, learn new techniques and approaches. They always learn by either reading latest articles or books and or going to conventions and seminars.
Being a successful online marketing is about knowing no boundaries and not settling for what's convenient. They are always finding ways to learn more, do more and excel even more. So, how many of these traits you think you possess?
Diane Ong has a great passion in dealing with clients relating to marketing, banking and finance, eCommerce and online support. As a business strategist, she delivers an excellent service to start-up businesses as she already gained great experiences from working in many fields.
Diane collaborates with a competent and skillful team that extends full effort in providing assistance to business ventures big and small; old and new. She continuously imparts her knowledge and experiences to run an efficient and highly competitive marketing campaign for the business.
Diane Ong acquired greater skills as she has worked at some known and trusted establishments such as Sanden International, Hongkong Shanghai Bank Philippines, and Smart Communications.
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More to the point, the templates are easier to make to order now. But note that Flash templates can be edited in Flash only. Flash templates technology is used to revelation of the document collections and includes many useful features such as importation filters for various types of document files.
Another most popular way of making money online with your website or blog is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is simply the promotion of products on your website. Whenever a sale is made through your website, you gets a commission of it. There are many affiliate marketing networks and you can easily become a salesperson there. All you need is to fill an easy form and sign up.
But again, you will need to have a good traffic base so that you can ensure a reasonable amount of affiliate sales. Try to learn various SEO tips and tricks so that you can optimize your website for search engines and can optimize your home based business too. There is no doubt that you will need to appear in the first few pages of Google search engine results page (SERPs) in order to get good sales and monthly income. Source: Free Articles from
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